Save alpha channel Vray 3.4

Hi there guys I’m new to V-ray and I can’t figure it out how can I save in alpha channel.I use rhino .I set the material reflection and refraction to all channels >Affect channels to all channels -
sometimes I save as png as alfa from the render frame - but It doesn’t save nothing …

When I render I only see black ,I also use fur …so any of you know how to save in alpha channel in V-ray 3.4 I will much appreciate if u give me a answer …I rly need this one fast for my school project tomorrow.

Thank you !

I believe it is a bug and will be fixed in 3.6. if you use no background you can and use Photoshop to create one. Here is what I was told, but it does not work. I did play with the render an animation and it work.

This is a known issue and our developers are currently working on a solution, which should be implemented in an upcoming hotfix update.

In the meantime, as a temporary workaround, you could also use the ‘Save Image’ option (Asset Editor > Settings > Render Output) prior to initiating a render process. When the render is complete, the produced image will be automatically saved along with all render channels."

I don’t find a problem with the alpha channel… it’s available in the frame buffer dropdown menu.

Don’t forget that the alpha visibility has to be set in the material:

Can you save it. It will render it but not save it.

If you select a file type that supports alpha, yes it does work.
And you can long-press on the save icon to invoke “save all channels”

What is long press, the problem I had it look like windows save it. but could not locate it when I tried to open.

Use this icon:

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Thanks so much, it works