Rotation of a beam cross section along its y axis


I generated a shell structure by using a nurbs surface. And now I would like connect beams and the shell together and then do a mechanical analysis, I did it with a beam which follows the geometry of the side of my shell like this:

But now I would like to add prismatic beams and connect it to the shell, like this:

So I read some karamba topics and I saw some people that the shell and beams can be connected by using Breps and puting inputs points but it didn’t worked. Instead I tried to connect the node of the beam with the nodes of the mesh of my shell by adding some springs between the nodes with a really high rigidity value (around 1e+35 kN/m) but I’m not sure that is really representative of the stress inside my structure. It looked like this:

(Here a view with less visible element of the beam so you can see better how it is connected to shell with the springs)

So instead I want to use the curve used for the generation of my shell. I’m trying to rotate and excentrate the cross section of a beam in order to obtain a straight beam from the curve defined by the curved side of my shell (since I want to connect my beams and my shell for the mechanical analysis). The excentring is working but I still have to rotate the beams sections along the y axis:

I tried to use the orientate element box it is only making rotate along the x axis (in the YZ plane) and since I want it to rotate it along the y axis so I can have my primastic beam I can’t use the orientate element box to have it.

Does someone have any idea how I can rotate my cross section to have my beam straight ?

Thank you in advance for your help and have a nice day.


Hello @Killian1,
in Karamba3D there is no option to rotate beam cross sections about the local Y-axis.
With respect to the mechanical response of the structure the slight inclination of the cross sections can be neglected in my opinion.
– Clemens

Hello @cp1,
Okay, if it is not possible then I will have to accept it. In fact, I was thinking about that too, since the angle is not that big. Thank you for your time and your help !

  • Killian