Rotating text and pythonscript , layer handling latest update

I can not rotate text onscreen, it is not working ok, i can rotate in the dialog box , with degrees input, not handy.

pythonscript slugish working

layer dialog , slugish when setting a layer current.

Quick test, all seem to be working OK here, can you post an example?

In looking at your other post, I am wondering if you are having display problems that might be causing the “sluggishness”…


I do not think i have display problems as i have this on my 2 computers
the same 1 x laptop 1 x desktop

it just takes a few second to set a layer current , maybe to many layers
? and text is simple just say… text and ariel will do , rotate it and
it wil appear in view as normal , but not rotated over 90degree it will
display normal. and you can rotate it in the layer dialog box however i
noticed that that also does not rotate the text, explode and then you
can rotate the text, but that is not what i want


How many do you have?

If you rotate horizontal text over 90° it “flips” to the other side - is that what you are seeing?


i gues it is to many layers, did not try it and with a simple drawing it
is ok, did not had this issue…

yes text flips to the other side it will not rotate as in Rotate , this
is ok (as i use many times mirroring with text and if it displays ok
that is good) , but how to avoid it ? so i can rotate and display text
upside down ?, what am i missing ?


You can change a setting in Settings->AnnotationStyle:

That does it , thanks

well i am coming back as this works… But on all text in the drawing !
, and i just want to rotate text a few words… not all in the drawing ,
how to do without exploding the text , btw in r5 it works there you can
rotate text



When you change a setting in an annotation style, it applies to all of the text that uses that style.
Most of your description there, I don’t understand.

If you post a file and tell me what you want that you can’t get to happen, I’ll see what I can figure out.

I’m not particularly happy about the way this works either. For me, rotating text on a sheet of paper is not the same as making it face you.

In the following scene, the upper and lower text on the left side of the surface are of a style that has the setting “Orient text toward reader when viewed from behind” turned OFF. This is strictly viewing from the front and one can easily rotate text 180°.

The upper and lower text on the right side of the surface is that same text copied and moved and then assigned a style that has the setting turned ON. The upper text flips 180° automatically. Still, this is viewed from the front and there is nothing about this that is “viewing from behind”.

This is what it looks like from behind:

I still don’t get it why anyone would want to have text illegible on a piece of paper…

Ref. discussion earlier this year:

… and still like @stevebaer’s best:

wel here it is in 5 en 6 easy . i see what you mean Wim , not easy …an
dnot happy with it , so many settings makes life difficult


r6 text rotated.3dm (37.1 KB)

r5 text rotated.3dm (24.5 KB)

spoken to quick

also this works on all text in the drawing , i do not think this is very
handy, maken a new style for a new line of text you just want to rotate
, i use 1 style and change it on the way if needed if i want it bigger o
scale it up if i want a different font i change it on the way … and if
iwant to rotate it … yes i like to do that without making a new style !

in rhino 5 it works ok to me 6 not yet

grts all

Rob - Looking at your examples, I think that you mean that you want to rotate the text and have it not adjust to look right side up. Assuming that’s right, what doesn’t work if you uncheck the option to orient toward the reader?

Wim, I’d have to see a 3dm file to be sure what you have there.
As for the label in the dialog, that wasn’t my choice either - It was decided by someone who had a stronger opinion about what they wanted it to say than I did. I guess I just don’t appreciate the importance of it, but it is easy to change, just not easy to agree on what to change it to.

Hi Lowell, I had to make a new one since I didn’t save that file.
2017-010-27 Viewing from behind.3dm (75.5 KB)

I get the " … wouldn’t a rose by any other name … argument - until users like Robo don’t find what setting they are looking for because the setting doesn’t anywhere near describes what he’s after.

As for the functionality behind the setting: can anyone come up with a valid scenario where a user would want some text to be fully readable (on screen and print) and other text illegible unless one has a mirror available?

adjusting the orient to reader does not work as it changes all text in the drawing see me previous reply.

also this works on all text in the drawing , i do not think this is very
handy, maken a new style for a new line of text you just want to rotate
, i use 1 style and change it on the way if needed if i want it bigger o
scale it up if i want a different font i change it on the way … and if
iwant to rotate it … yes i like to do that without making a new style !

in rhino 5 it works ok to me 6 not yet

Wim, Thanks for the file.
I also don’t think it makes sense to turn off the Orient text toward reader and then rotate text around and look at it from the back.
There are cases in which its good to not change the text orientation automatically, like if you want a mirror image for some reproduction work or as in Rob’s case here (which I don’t fully understand) where he wants the text to appear upside down.

I think that maybe having auto-rotating and auto-mirroring joined together in one function makes it possible to come up with an example like you did that doesn’t make sense, but I don’t think you have to do that.

Are there times when you can’t get the text display you want?

Rob, Your statement “also this works on all text in the drawing” is not correct. It works on all text that uses a style with that feature turned on. You can have 2 styles - one that auto orients the text and one that doesn’t, or you could use one style that doesn’t auto-rotate and make your text oriented the way you want it.

As far as the wording in the dialog, maybe @brian or @Alain can help you with that. It’s obviously much easier to change it than it is to find something people agree is the right wording.

Ok so far as i see it , you have to make a new style template in text and use that for rotating , it is not possible to rotate text in a default template without modifying the settings that take affect on all dimensions and annotations etc you did in that template