I’m looking for bright ideas on how to create a nice looking road system from midlines (here I’ve taken mine from OpenStreetMap). Based on the OSM road type I’ve separated the midlines into different road widths, and offsetted them.
The issue I’m facing is making the connections look good. Clipper has a good offset tool, but it can’t handle different widths (as far as I know), and I just can’t make it look good. I would like to fillet sharp corners, and right know I also have parts of the road sticking out when different road widths meet (see image).
Wow, that is some fast answering, thank you guys! And yes, Martins corners are a bit smoother so he edges the win. Some of the corners are a bit wonky though, how would you handle these?
PS. I edited the width and the caps if you’re wondering why it looks different.