Rhinoscript to convert files

I have zero coding experience and understanding of rhinoscript, but I have about 100 files that I need to convert from rhino 6 to rhino 7 and rhino 8. I have rhino 7 and 8 and can manually open and save each file, which is what I’ll do if I can’t figure out the script. I asked chatgpt to write it for me and it loaded and ran but threw an error and using chatgpt to debug didn’t work. is this a possible thing to do? i can provide the script and error if anybody is interested.

Hi Kervert,

Check out this thread…

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Thanks @Japhy !!

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that’s interesting and will save time versus manually opening and saving each file, but what I would really like is the ability to set it loose on a folder. i have a folder that contains about 25 folders, each with 1 rhino file. the script was attempting to recursively search through the folders and replace each file, keeping the folder structure

Hey @kervert,

You can convert a folder of .3dm files using a Windows batch file (.bat) that looks something like this:

@echo off
for %%f in (*.3dm) do call convert3dm %%~f %%~nf_v5.3dm --version=50

– Dale