Is the source code for Rhinoscripts available for review somewhere? There are some rhinoscript methods I am trying to convert to .net and I thought the source might give me some insight.
Is the source code for Rhinoscripts available for review somewhere? There are some rhinoscript methods I am trying to convert to .net and I thought the source might give me some insight.
There are a bunch of Rhinoscript samples here
and here
@stevebaer I’m not looking for sample rhinoscripts, but the source code for a rhinoscript method. (i.e. Rhino.ExtrudeCurveTapered)
Hi Don- running the Python version of the rs functions with break points in the Python editor will allow you to see the Rhino Common functions used - not sure if that is useful for what you want.
Ah, that code is not currently available and is written in C++. You may find this useful though
These are the python equivalent functions to RhinoScript that use RhinoCommon
@Pascal Thanks for the tip!
@Stevebaer C++ is so last year!!! Thanks for the link, I’ll see what I can learn from there!