Did you install the plugin when you were logged into your VM as the RhinoComputeUser? When you run the bootstrap script, it creates a new user profile called RhinoComputeUser (complete with unique password which is returned at the end of the bootstrap script). This is the user profile that IIS uses when starting Rhino.Compute.exe… so when it loads Rhino/Grasshopper, it looks into that user’s profile locations for loading plugins. If you’re installing your own plugins, you need to log into your VM using the RhinoComputeUser and PW. Then, install the plugin the way you normally would, then log back out. If you don’t remember your PW, look under the C:/ drive. There you should see a log of the bootstrap script console output. At the end of the second step, you should see the username and password printed to a text file. Does that help?
Thanks @AndyPayne you are a hero
Will try right now 5mins tops
Hold on I’ll update you right away
Thank you very much Andy that might be it
Hope its this I’ve smashed my head on the PC all week figuring this out
Sorry. That location points to the regular rhino.compute console logs. I see now that you’re looking for the logs for the bootstrap script. Let me look at my own VM to get the proper address. Hang on.
Ok. The log should be called bootstrap_step-2_log.txt and it’s located in the root C:/ drive. If you don’t see this, then my guess is that you ran the bootstrap script awhile ago… meaning, I only added the console log saving to a text file feature about 6 months ago (I’m guessing).
I’m not sure if you can retrieve a password once it’s been set (for security reasons). We may have to try to reset it… or you could setup a new VM running the newer bootstrap script which does save the credentials.
I understand.
This is a one year project now I just had to resort to Rhinocompute due to the complixity of using only the native rhinocompute methods…
Then I will try resetting it I hope that this is actually the problem
Do you know how to reset the password for a given user profile? And if you do change it, you will likely need to modify some settings in the IIS configuration so that it knows the new credentials when using that profile to launch an application (ie. rhino.compute). This is why I suggesting it might be easier to spin up a new VM.
Yes I am very familiar with it I had no idea It was looking for plugins on the RHinoComputeUser I even forgot such user existed been a while since I touched RHinoCompute…
It was indeed as you said an issue on installation user