I am trying to access the a Display Mode’s lighting scheme, and the lights set by them. This is what I am trying to get access to:
or for example for shaded:
I suppose that under different lighting schemes, there might be different lights set. Furthermore, the user might change them. Is this accessible in Rhinocommon? From what I understand (and I could certainly be wrong here), in the c++ sdk this would be in CDisplayPipelineAttributes::m_Lights.
There are a ton of advanced display settings, and I am not all of them have been exposed to RhinoCommon. You have access to YouTrack - just create new item for every display mode attribute you are looking for. Assign them to the “RhinoCommon” subsystem.
Hello Dale,
Thanks for the suggestion. My main issue is not knowing when there is something I merely cannot find vs when something has not been implemented yet into Rhinocommon. I’m getting into the habit of checking the C++ sdk after digging through Rhinocommon to double check I am not missing something.