Hello everyone, first of all I would like to congratulate you for the new version of Rhino 7 which looks very good and which brings some very useful tools for my work (SubDTools). At the moment I use Rhino 6 and RhinoGold as a jewelry designer. I would like to switch to Rhino 7 but unfortunately RhinoGold does not work in Rhino7. I know there are some plugins (Panther 3d, etc.) but it costs quite a lot and I already paid 5000 euros for RhinoGold. Maybe if it is possible for later versions 8.9 to develop in the Rhino program more functions for jewelers because we are many people who use rhino for jewelry. Why not something like Rhinogold. If I upgrade to Rhino 7 from version 6 can I still use Rhino 6 with RhinoGold jewelry?
If you upgrade to Rhino 7 you can still use Rhino 6. The upgraded license is good for both Rhino 6 and Rhino 7. With an upgraded license you can use both Rhino 6 and Rhino 7 at the same time on the same computer. You can not use Rhino 6 on one computer and use Rhino 7 at the same time on another computer.
Ok, thanks
Hello @dumitrescu.george820, if you are looking for a more affordable approach to jewelry-specific plugins for Rhino, don’t miss 2Shapes for Rhino.
Our founder Rafael el Molino, also the founder of Rhinogold, is working on a plugin that rivals his past projects in many ways. And it’s compatible with Rhino 7 too!
You can learn more here: https://www.2shapes.com/rhino
Thanks a lot for the information. I know the program you’re talking about. I would be interested in something like Rhinogold, I look forward to seeing what new project you are working on now.
Grasshopper gold is awesome. Not as extensive but everything I need. Also, it’s free. You can get it from food for rhino. Works great on rhino 7.
Indeed, as others have said here, there are now several alternatives to RhinoGold now that RhinoGold has been completely subsumed and replaced by MatrixGold.
2Shapes and Grasshopper Gold were mentioned, but there is also Panther: https://www.panther3d.com/
Personally, I find for many new users it works just fine to start out with nothing but vanilla Rhino, and then move up to additional plug-ins as your confidence with core modelling practice improves.
Thanks a lot for the information, I tried them all, the closest I need to the company would be Grasshopper Gold .
thanks for choosing a big update soon.
My Name is David Adamson, I won the Stuller Battle of the benches using RhinoGold. I’m not a fan of GemVision and less of Matrix Gold. I would love to try 2shapes. Is there a demo available? jewelguy@aol.com
Hi David,
Nice to see you! I remember last time we met at Stuller! I remember you won the Stuller Battle. I will send you an email now!
Thanks and best regards,
Rafael del Molino
CEO at 2Shapes