Hi. I would like to know if there is any tutorials/manuals or web where I can read all the new features in Rhino WIP for mac. I found only one video showing some parametrics.
Is there any place where can I find a list of everything?
Thanks a lot.
Hi. I would like to know if there is any tutorials/manuals or web where I can read all the new features in Rhino WIP for mac. I found only one video showing some parametrics.
Is there any place where can I find a list of everything?
Thanks a lot.
Good question. I’m not sure we have such a document, but we should. @dan what do you think? Maybe something akin to this.
Based on the message title and the comments in Bruno’s first post, it seems pretty clear he’s asking about the WIP.
There is no single updated list.
The general details can be found on the Mac Rhino Wiki page:
Command specific details here:
Discussion details here in the Discourse forum in the Rhino for Mac category.
Thanks a lot @John_Brock
I will be reading it. I would love to see the new features.
Hi Dan . WIP is my question.