I needed to manually load Metahopper for Mac as the Package Manager only wanted to install the Rhino version.
Then the Webkit Browser was not loading from localhost, solved by telling it to go to
Very very stoked to get this far!
Oh - I did think the Bengsht webserver at some point was not compatible with MacOS but after going down a bit of rabbit hole of making my own Python web server I worked out it was not the issue I thought it was.
Looks like the job of replacing my HumanUI front end it coming up quickly.
No menu items yet, and my current Windows launch script puts some ini info into a local folder which is not a valid MacOS location so need to have a think about that.
Does anyone know how to setup drag and drop YAK file installs for Rhino for Mac?
One ‘gotcha’ is I use rs.PropertyListBox() user interface in a few places to edit tables of settings AND this is one Rhino Script Syntax item that has not been ported to MacOS.
Not a road smash, as I this was actually a bit of hack to get around HumanUI’s lack of editable Tables of settings. Looks like doing this directly in the HTML interface will be somewhat easy.
Couple of other weird things going on on opening at the moment, but I’ve not cleaned all the HumanUI code out yet so can’t read much into that for now.
Pretty happy that all the GH plugins I use are working too.
Thank you for sharing this evolution. How is it faring now after a year? Basically I am in the same position. I have a robust Human UI interface running. I don’t have a platform issue because Mac M3 with Parallels can easily use all of the plugins we need without too much compromise.
But with Human UI itself I am at a point where the interface rebuilding adds overhead when starting up the script so now I am interested in decoupling the interface from the main script. All I need is a way to transmit data values from ui to grasshopper. And vice versa if it helps.
Because one thing that Human UI cannot do easily is load up preset values from an external file or save value presets to a file. People have found ways but they are work arounds at best.
But I only know enough Python to automate basic stuff and understand code structures. Can you share some suggestions if HTML is the way to go? Can a framework help in making conditional inputs? (hiding sliders based on other inputs etc.)
I’m more than happy where I’m currently at with this UI solution.
All I’ve really done with it in the last year in terms of development is turn each of the UI elements into a cluster so I can update the python code in all of them on the canvas at once if needed.
I’ve got a new CNC/Gcode plugin coming out soon that uses this UI, the second product I’ve developed with it.
Details are here:
I use the same method for file saving and reloading as detailed in this thread/discussed with you in the past:
I don’t really consider it a work around - the whole system state is purely based on the state shown in the UI, which in many ways should be how its done.
I dont use any HTML frameworks at this point, I believe there are others who are using ETO.Webview UI’s in Rhino that are built around web frame works, but this is beyond the scope of what I need.
However I do hide/show elements based on user input where needed, here I only show the engraving bit angle when an engraving bit type is selected from a drop down menu:
This is done with some GH logic and Stream Filter components - the whole UI page is reloaded on each user input so its easy to create these sorts of functions.