Hello everyone,
we’re currently trying to migrate our Rhino plugin written in VB.NET from Rhino 5 to Rhino 7.
Our project solution is composed of several projects, whose references have been changed from Rhino_DotNET V4 and RhinoCommon V5 to Rhino_DotNET V7 and RhinoCommon V7. During the initialization phase on Rhino 7, the error shown on the console is the following:
System.Exception: No PlugIn subclass found.
in Rhino.PlugIns.PlugIn. CreateFromAssembly(Assembly pluginAssembly, Boolean displayDebugInfo, Boolean useRhinoDotNet)
Given the considerable size of the project, we’re trying to mantain the whole solution as backwards compatible as possible. Any suggestions on where we need to operate to make the initialization work?