Hi. I prepared a model in Rhino to export to SW. The file does not show any naked edge. I exported the file from Rhino to STP. When I open the STP in Rhino it shows naked edges.
I am not sure if this has to do with the export options. Do you know how to solve this issue?
Thank you
it depends on each case but check the edge tolerance before exporting.
if the edge tolerances are too big. they could break later.
in other cases could be just the conversion.
there is a test command called _testMarkOTEdges which will make dots indicating edges which are far from file tolerance. in that case it doesn’t seem to be the problem. maybe is just for the conversion.
Hi! Unfortunately the file is work related and can not share it…is there any other thing I can share that would help you that is not the file? I imagine not…