Rhino Quitting Out with Warning UUID

“a control bar with this UUID already exists DockBarID() must return to unique UUID
UUID (f7f01dbb=3d16-469d-b377-ce67239d707d)”

This problem occurred after adding Lumion to Rhino. From then, I can’t open a single Rhino file new or old. I have uninstalled Lumion and Rhino and have reinstalled Rhino. I still have this warning. I can run Rhino properly when I am on Rhino is Safe Mode. SOS.

Hi @Chloe_Balkcomm,

If you are running Rhino 7, run the ToolbarReset command and then restart Rhino.

If you are running Rhino 8, run the Reset command and then restart Rhino.

Does this help?

– Dale

Hi Dale!

Thank you for the help.
I can’t run any commands when the file opens, the pop-up with that message appears. I press “okay” because that is the only option. Then, it quits out.

Hi @Chloe_Balkcomm,

Can you post a screen capture of the message?


– Dale

Hi @Chloe_Balkcomm,

Looks like Lumion is still installed, as Rhino is still trying to load it. Can you confirm the uninstall?


– Dale

I’ve checked my installed apps and Lumion is not there. I have no clue why Lumion is still on my screen.

I’m trying to uninstall the livesync on Safe Mode, do you know if it will translate to regular Rhino?

Hi @Chloe_Balkcomm,

I see, from another thread, a user has Lumion installed in this folder:

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\Plug-ins\Lumion LiveSync for Rhino (839d6175-32d1-4ffe-a0a4-b7fb43cf0ff5)\2021.3.25.899\Lumion\Rhino 7.0\LumionPlugin.rhp “Lumion LiveSync for Rhino”

Where USERNAME is your login name.

You might using Explorer to navigate to this folder and, if found, just rename the folder (or just delete it) and then restart Rhino.

Did this help?

– Dale

I believe so!