Loading the saved snippet using Metahopper doesn’t work inside Revit if I use Rhino 8. It works fine with Rhino 7 both inside and outside Revit and in the standalone Rhino 8 outside Revit. @andheum, I’m not sure if you have time to update Metahopper, but I’m reporting the issue to see if you could fix it. Should I ask McNeel to look into the issue on their side? If I load the saved snippet inside Revit using Rhino 8, I get this component with error messages. I’m also copying @Japhy to see if he has any insight into the issue
This is a custom snippet? can you post it? I don’t have metahopper but perhaps someone with a similar setup can shed some light. Thanks
You can use any snippet saved by Metahopper. I have created one for testing purposes. It’s located under the “Vector” subcategory in the “Vector” panel. If you load it inside Revit using Rhino 8, you should be able to reproduce the issue.