Rhino Inside Revit Hanger Example

This example requires Revit 2022.1 and Rhino.Inside.Revit 1.2.7955.31573 (or above)

Hanger_Example_rvt_22.rvt (2.3 MB)
Hanger Example_1.11.gh (35.0 KB)

NOTE: When opening a Rhino file it needs to Match the Revit file units, the Units of this Revit file are in Feet.


Great workflow. Thanks for sharing :clap::clap:

Thank you for the data. I tried to copy it, but there’s an error, so why is the parameter read-only?

It was picking up a built-in parameter that wasn’t available when originally created.

Hanger Example_1.11.gh (35.0 KB)

Thank you so much^^ It’s morning here, but…Have a good night~~~

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