Rhino in the cloud

So I’ve been doing a bit of research into virtual GPUs recently, as I do a lot of rendering with Octane (the rhino plugin is fantastic BTW) and was wondering if anyone has had any success running Rhino virtually.

Anyone tried running Rhino via Octane Cloud Workstation or similar -


I love the idea of having a lightweight mobile laptop that can run the type of programs I use with ease! I guess it’s only a matter of time?

If you have enough bandwidth, it should be possible. You need enough bandwidth to transmit all the video info, which is huge…

Right now we’re investigating the possibility that 300 people with “lightweight mobile laptops” in one auditorium can simultaneously work on CAD programs running on 300 virtual machines on the school server. The problem is again WIFI bandwidth…

I’m not sure I’d want to be in that auditorium, seems like your brain would be getting cooked by all those radio waves… :dizzy_face: --Mitch

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I had experience with 120people and the result were very poor!
Not only the lag in the connection but also in the video feedback for 3D modeling.

Stay “local” stay foolish :wink:

I agree, for now it has to kept local but it’s nice to know it’s possible and that once certain technologies catch up it will be possible to run programs virtually on lower grade machines. I’ll be keeping a close eye on it, especially for rendering large scenes on multiple virtualized GPUs.

It should work ok if the upload speed is high enough.

I had LogMeIn on my server a few years back and that worked, but only as an emergency.
To start a new rendering, or to open an check a file before sharing it. (I uninstalled LogMeIn due to the large number of attempts to log in…)