Rhino, Grasshopper & VisualARQ workshops

LA-based design firm, SomewhereSomething, is conducting several Rhino and Rhino-related workshops this summer. From beginning to advanced, select the one that looks good to you. Sign up for one or all four.

Summer 2014 Schedule:

  • Advanced Rhino: Case Study - June 21-22Participants will use Rhino to model a residential project in detail. The model will then be “sliced” up to create a standard set of architectural drawings.

  • Intro to Grasshopper - June 28-29This 2-day introduction to Grasshopper will focus on an overview of the plug-in, geometry types, geometry construction and transformation, list and data tree management.

  • Rhino + VisualARQ for Architecture - July 19-20 This session will focus on Rhino’s powerful drafting & layout tools. The plugin VisualARQ will be utilized to add architectural features and parametric architectural objects that generate and update 2D drawings in real-time.

  • Armed Forces - August 2-3 Each participant will fabricate and assemble a small prototype of a multi-axis arm, controlled with a variety of sensory inputs. The project will be developed in Grasshopper and Firefly, using the Arduino microcontroller.


Location: SomewhereSomething

2558 N. San Fernando Rd, Studio A8

Los Angeles, CA 90065

Posted Jun 06, 2014 by Jody Mills on Rhino News, etc.