Hi there Rhino Forum,
I have some rookie questions on this pavilion that I am making.
1. The current model which is only a unit array along this curve of a base surface. The issue is that A, B and C are not variable and the very tip of the slented stick is not attached to the edge of the surface shown in photo 3.
2&3. I aim to have control over all the point positions according to Range-Sinewave so they can vary in height.
(Note: The base surface in photo 3 is the target surface that I want the pavilion to follow/ morph onto, but I struggle to do it, it is internalised in the GH file down below)
I did my best to show my intention and for sure it is a lot to ask, thank you in advance if anyone can shine a light here.
240315_Pavilion_Question.gh (41.2 KB)
this is quite simple, but it takes a few steps. the idea is that you need to first divide the bottom rail into segments, get the points, and create a plane at each point. use the plane to intersect the top boarder of your surface (CurvePlane) to get the points your beams should point towards. use a bit of trigonometry to calculate the angle for between the pivot of your beam and the target direction point.
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Thanks for the comment but the toil rail’s perp frames are not perpendicular to the bottom rails… I see what you mean there…Still can’t do it
take the bottom planes and the top curve. pass those to CurvePlane. it should get you the points on the top curve that are also intersecting the planes
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Nice one, I got there now. Now I would need to make the height of the points variable according to the sine wave, any idea how?
Muliply pi by two and then divide that by the number of divisions - use range. Calculate the sin for those values. It should give you numbers between -1 and 1. Multiply those by the maximum displacement to get the z displacement values. Use those values as factors for a unit z component, and pass that to your move battery
Sorry I don’t quite understand this part, I tried to follow…
The current z height of the start point15, do you mean to plug the sine description you describe to where 15 is?
240315_Pavilion_Question2.gh (48.5 KB)
sorry for the awkward description.
to illustrate
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Amazing, it works! Wondering would it be more intuitive to control the height of the wave with a graph? Just curious. I will try to apply this method of yours on other parts of the structure, you have been very helpful mate, if you don’t mind I will update again very soon.
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I’d use a graph when i want creative control, and something like an equation when i want precise values. It really depends on your exact design goals. Glad i was able to help you - and will help again if needed
good luck with your project, looks interesting