Rhino for McNeel Lobby

I would love to see others concepts for such an idea.


I sometimes miss Pascal. This made me think of him. Hope he is being careful on his bicycle.


I was wondering why I couldn’t find him with the @Pasc… anymore. Where’d he go off to?

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Gah, bummer.

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same- :wink:

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NOOOO!!! My guitar hero!

I often (99.9%) deferred to you for the answer I was hoping to hear!
Thank you so much for your insightful help.


@pascal still lurks a bit here in the forums, as does John Brock @bigpiper246 who also retired recently.

you just have to ring the bell a little louder for them to chime in. :wink:

we all miss them both quite a bit here…2 pairs of massive shoes that can never quite be filled.

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