I know this problem has been asked many times before in this forum. But I haven’t an answer which might help me immediately. I have a short deadline and after baking the Rhino file size is almost 1 GB. Is there a way we can reduce the file size in Rhino by maybe doing some geometry operations like merging individual polysurfaces etc. ?
There are two ways in which you can keep the same shapes in a file but reduce the file size:
- Use extrusions instead of polysufaces
- Use blocks for similar shapes
Some of the new stuff added to GH1 may help you here, but I’m afraid I don’t know well enough how it works to advice you. Do you think your shapes lend themselves to these optimisations?
actually the script is done and I do not have the time to edit it now. Especially also since I am not an expert in grasshopper as yet. an intermediate you may call. Also I need to get going with stuff in Rhino for presentation. Hence was checking to see if there’s any fix in Rhino itself, now that the geometry is baked.
Hi -
We’d need to see the file to be able to offer specific advice and we’d need to know the purpose of making a file smaller. Very generally, if you clear all display meshes, the file will become smaller.
Converting to mesh, reduced the size by 50%. Which is good but still its 600 MB and takes quite some time to save out.
Hi Akshay -
A few things…
FWIW, I didn’t suggest to convert to mesh, I suggested to clear the display meshes.
I asked for the purpose of this exercise. If it’s diskspace, both clearing display meshes and converting to mesh and, possibly, further reducing (or joining) the meshes will probably do that. If it’s speedy saving, you can turn off compression (Rhino.Options.Advanced.UseCompressionWhenSaving
) but, while that will significantly reduce the time it takes to save, that will also increase the file size.
Ok. So the aim is to both reduce file size and also saving time. File size since it needs to be sent and saving time since it wastes a lot of time overall. But I think I will use this option to turn off compression. Also, I will try to join meshes. But not sure how its done as yet.