Rhino.DocObjects.Texture.UvwTransform is not working


Looks like Rhino.DocObjects.Texture.UvwTransform is not working anymore in Rhino 8 SR3 ? This script was working fine in the latest Rhino 7 but now the scale is not applied anymore and stay at a default value.

Or was there a change in the SDK I did not see?

@dale,@andy could you have a look?



The UvwTransform scale is still not working from Grasshopper in 8.4, could you have a look @dale ?


Hi @qlabrosse,

I’ve logged an issue so one of our developers can look into this.



– Dale

Hi @Jussi_Aaltonen , can you have a look at this issus with the attached Gh script? It’s still there in 8.6.

material (4).gh (13.9 KB)

Ok, I’ll take a look.

Hi @DavidRutten, I might need a bit of your help here.

The above grasshopper document has “A C# .NET scriptable component”. That does not show up in debug builds of Rhino 8.

Has that been replaced with the “C# scripting component”?


I have been trying today to script UV texture application to rectilinear model components using the Human plugin to Grasshopper.
The UV textures align correctly but do not scale correctly.

Is this likely to be due to the issue identified in this thread ?
How long is it likely to be before a patch is available ?
Is there likely to be a work around in the meantime ?


Update … anyone ??

Hi @user1640 It’s hard to say whether the issues you’re looking at are related. I’m checking if we could get a fix out soon.

RH-80966 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 14

Amazing - Merry Christmas - great present thanks !

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