Box mapping


With rhino 7 I used the Human plug-in “box mapping” or “planner mapping” to scale the texturing of different geometries in grasshopper.

In Rhino 8, when previewing the mapped mesh with the “custom preview materials” everything seems fine.

But when I bake the mapped mesh using rhino 8 the scaling is gone.
With Rhino 7 I had no problems.
map (15.8 KB)

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I wish I could help but I am having the same problem. I used to be able to bake the mapping with the mesh but it doesn’t work in Nov 2024. I’ll come back if I find a solution

The texture mapping bug in Grasshopper is fixed !

The script at the below link bakes out a planar object with the correct mapping.

Human now previews the texture mapping correctly but is not baking out meshes with the mapping embedded still…