Rhino Display Mode - Errors

Has anyone encountered Rhino 7 erroring out with display modes? All of my custom ones have turned to “Artic” and the settings no longer work. This is the 4th time this has happened to me.

Hello- I have not heard of this - can you please run SystemInfo in Rhino and copy/paste the results here?


I think there are some posts on this for V7… This also happened to me once.

So what you’re saying is I have heard of it but don’t remember - entirely possible. But all Arctic… yikes.


IIRC, it was shaded in my case. Here is one report I found:

This seems to have been fixed, in any case I don’t recall how I fixed it at the time or if it fixed itself…

I frequently ran into all custom display modes being renamed “Shaded”, but never Arctic.
@RhinoKarateKid , are there any 3rd party plug-ins that you use once in a while?

This occurred recently to me as well. And it did it twice.