Rhino as a viable candidate for replacing Solidworks

I use Inventor mainly, Rhino more than ever now that I’m doing CMM’s & pointclouds, and had used SW as my main program in the past. My view is a combination of what’s been said above.

Before switching to Inventor (I hate Autodesk b/c they’re thieves and liars, so don’t take this as a sales pitch for Inventor), I used Rhino almost exclusively. I switched from Autocad b/c I got sick of making blocks to create easy to draw large assemblies. Autocad is primitive (as in ‘stone age’) compared to Rhino. The switch was easy b/c Rhino was like Acad, except it had a zillion improvements and other functions that Acad didn’t and still doesn’t have. The 2 major problems I found w/Rhino that caused me to switch are 1. drafting tools, esp. metadata management, and 2. Assembly size limitations.

I quit using SW b/c it was not suited to my area of work: Industrial machinery, structures, piping, etc. The biggest time saver with Inventor compared to SW was/is the management of metadata. That’s where all the time is saved in the drafting area. Rhino is almost naked in that area of need. I learned real quick that SW is good for molds and that sort of thing, but not my area of work. SW metadata management is garbage, and I ‘had it out’ w/the district rep over it. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me.

Rhino is excellent for surfacing and product development, but it lacks the one essential for designers: bi-directional parametrics. To change something takes forever. That’s the other side of metadata. Everything is connected to each other with mathematical relationships. Can’t do that in Rhino … at least not easily, far as I’ve found. Correct me if I’m wrong. So when the customer wants something resized or changed, most times it’s as easy as changing a number or making a base sketch correction. Can’t do that in Rhino. Changing things downsteam, things that have multiple parent-child relationships, is very difficult and time consuming in Rhino.

But now, since both IV & SW can’t do surfacing and meshing worth a darn, I use Rhino. One day someone is going to develop software that’s AFFORDABLE, but which also combines parametrics, metadata management, meshing, surfacing and modeling, AND ISN’T CONTROLLED BY SUBSCRIPTION SLAVERY.

Today, all those programs are out of reach of all but the ‘uber rich’.

Not knowing your particular circumstances, I really can’t offer an opinion on your needs. Everybody has do to their own R&D, I guess!

Just my 2 cent’s worth … Chris


Hi Chris, thanks for your 2 cents worth :wink: Have you tried either the History function in Rhino or GrassHopper?
I’m trying out some things in GrassHopper as we speak and what I can see so far is that is a really powerfull tool capable of awesome parametric designs. It takes a while to set up, but once you’re there it’s easy to expand and adjust.


Thanx for the info.

I tried the History function but didn’t do much with it. It seemed to be a lot of overhead.

If you have a simple tutorial to help me get started better than I did, I would like to retry it to see what it has to offer.

Same with GrassHopper. I tried to get my head into it, but there’s too much in my head these days to dig deep. If you have a simple getting started web link or pdf for it, I’d be grateful. GH looks like a very nice tool!

Thanx … Chris

@cadman777, what I did before I started with GH is look at these simple tutorials:

After that I tried to recreate the things I model in GH. Takes a few extra steps and some different thinking/approach, but you get some great parametric capabilities in return. GH does have its limitations, but so does every other program right?

Thanx ortho.
If I ever get time to ‘play around’ with GH, then I’ll give your suggestion a try.
Cheers … Chris

Something along the lines of the Modifier Stack in 3DS Max would be nice.

Old thread, but for the sake of others. I’m an expert Solidworks and Rhino user and this bench was impossibly tedious to set up para-metrically in Solidworks. Perhaps there was a way… but I worked on it for three days before abandoning, and spending 3 more completing successfully in Rhino. Curve through Points and Macros and Grouping was critical, all which would have need maybe, scripting in SW?

It was rigged in Rhino using History from 1. Points, 2. Curves through points, and 3. Sweeps, (To oversimplify) I was able to make the bench Parametric and adjust the “Surface” bulges at all of my predetermined support sections. You can see the huge changes from the Render to the Real. I did not remodel it.


Very nice work!