Rhino and Grasshopper for Marine Design - Hydrostatics

A grasshopper script which gives you a quick and accurate view about your hull hydrostatics data. The data can be easily exported in a csv file for further analysis.
Enjoy! :slight_smile:
Any feedback is more than helpful. In the below link you can find a preview for the Hydrostatics data.
Rhino and Grasshopper for Marine Design - Hydrostatics

Here is some open source Grasshopper code I wrote myself for marine hydrostatics. It handles multiple hulls and appendages.


45 degrees roll with 4 degrees pitch

30 degrees roll with 15 degrees pitch


Great Joseph! You have done a lot of work!

This was one of the first projects I did in Grasshopper, a long time ago. Probably overdue for an update to apply GH skills Iโ€™ve learned since then. Boat design is the main reason Iโ€™m using Rhino/GH.

Here is another project that illustrates sailing polars:

Sailing Polars, AWA, AWS and VMC

This widget illustrates AWA (Apparent Wind Angle), AWS (Apparent Wind Speed) and VMC (Velocity Made good on Course) using a boatโ€™s polar data. Interactive dials and sliders adjust TWD (True Wind Direction), TWS (True Wind Speed), Heading and Course (bearing to next waypoint).
