The undo feature has just randomly stopped working on me in Rhino 8.
It was working for the first hour or two of a session and now has just randomly stopped, producing the message “nothing to undo” after any instance I try use the Control Z short-cut or Undo command.
hi @Joel_Purchas do you still have that file open? In that case a copy-paste of the command history might give us some clues.
Do you recall what you did before it stopped working?
pls also run _SystemInfo in Rhino and post back the results
This happens to me sometimes since the last updates. I just save the file, close Rhino, reopen it and it works again. I’m not quite sure what triggers it, I feel it’s using the Undo in and out of blocks which at some point makes it break.
@crtn-hrd if this happens again, pls run CommandHistory and send the result.
You may be running out of Undo memory. How much memory do you have set for Undo? How much memory does your system have?
Options command > Rhino Options > General > Undo
Same thing happened to me, but reopening the file seems to fix it.
@andreaw pls also send your _SystemInfo, and if possible the result of the commands you ran before that happened, thanks!
@davidcockey that might also be happening, but I am quite positive this is a bug that is causing this. We just need to find the pattern and narrow it down.
The same thing happened. Works when I reopen the file, but the bug repeats the next day
Rhino 8 SR9 2024-7-12 (Rhino 8, 8.9.24194.18121, Git hash:master @ 785b9fde79bb684d22aab317998f7195a8c27c14)
License type: Educational, build 2024-07-12
License details: Cloud Zoo
Windows 11 (10.0.22631 SR0.0) or greater (Physical RAM: 64GB)
.NET 7.0.20
Computer platform: DESKTOP
Standard graphics configuration.
Primary display and OpenGL: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (NVidia) Memory: 10GB, Driver date: 7-30-2024 (M-D-Y). OpenGL Ver: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 560.81
> Accelerated graphics device with 4 adapter port(s)
- Windows Main Display attached to adapter port #0
OpenGL Settings
Safe mode: Off
Use accelerated hardware modes: On
Redraw scene when viewports are exposed: On
Graphics level being used: OpenGL 4.6 (primary GPU's maximum)
Anti-alias mode: 4x
Mip Map Filtering: Linear
Anisotropic Filtering Mode: High
Vendor Name: NVIDIA Corporation
Render version: 4.6
Shading Language: 4.60 NVIDIA
Driver Date: 7-30-2024
Driver Version:
Maximum Texture size: 32768 x 32768
Z-Buffer depth: 24 bits
Maximum Viewport size: 32768 x 32768
Total Video Memory: 10 GB
Rhino plugins that do not ship with Rhino
C:\Users\akosh\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\packages\8.0\ggRhinoIFC\\ggRhinoIFC.rhp "ggRhinoIFC"
Rhino plugins that ship with Rhino
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\Commands.rhp "Commands" 8.9.24194.18121
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\WebBrowser.rhp "WebBrowser"
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\rdk.rhp "Renderer Development Kit"
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\RhinoScript.rhp "RhinoScript"
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\IdleProcessor.rhp "IdleProcessor"
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\RhinoRenderCycles.rhp "Rhino Render" 8.9.24194.18121
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\RhinoRender.rhp "Legacy Rhino Render"
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\rdk_etoui.rhp "RDK_EtoUI" 8.9.24194.18121
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\NamedSnapshots.rhp "Snapshots"
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\MeshCommands.rhp "MeshCommands" 8.9.24194.18121
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\RhinoCycles.rhp "RhinoCycles" 8.9.24194.18121
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\import_SKP.rhp "SketchUp Import"
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\Toolbars\Toolbars.rhp "Toolbars" 8.9.24194.18121
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\3dxrhino.rhp "3Dconnexion 3D Mouse"
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\Displacement.rhp "Displacement"
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\SectionTools.rhp "SectionTools"
@Anton1oK if you still have the command history of the file you were working in, that will help most in finding the issue.
Were you working with rendering / materials?
Attaching a command history file
Yes, I was working with materials and raytracing
CommandHistory.txt (22.4 KB)
hi @Anton1oK thanks for sending the command history.
I added this to the YT: RH-82024 Nothing to Undo on simple tasks - Rhino 8
Or even better. Run the AuditUndo command.
This text can be copy and pasted.
Also the information given by TestCurrentUndo would be helpfull.
I got the same issue. Here I send you the auditundo record. If there is a solution, where can I find it?
kind regards, Henk
Rhino Undo Settings:
Culling threshold: At least 1 records using at least 4000MB.
Current contents: 84 undo records 1.180MB
Description: Set sun location and time zone
Record Serial Number: 131
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
Description: Set sun on/off
Record Serial Number: 130
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
Description: Layer material change
Record Serial Number: 129
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
3 undoable changes happened:
material 0 added.
layer 1 modified.
Description: LayerManagerChangeLayer
Record Serial Number: 128
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 16481 attributes changed.
Description: ChamferEdge
Record Serial Number: 127
Memory usage: 353KB (362356 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 16369 deleted.
object 16481 added.
Description: BooleanDifference
Record Serial Number: 126
Memory usage: 302KB (310072 bytes)
4 undoable changes happened:
object 16369 added.
object 15200 deleted.
object 4016 deleted.
object 16352 deleted.
Description: LayerManagerCopyToLayer
Record Serial Number: 125
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 16359 added.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 124
Memory usage: 1KB (1352 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 16349 deleted.
object 16352 added.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 123
Memory usage: 1KB (1352 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 16341 deleted.
object 16349 added.
Description: Move
Record Serial Number: 122
Memory usage: 1KB (1352 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 15440 deleted.
object 16341 added.
Description: Cylinder
Record Serial Number: 121
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 15440 added.
Description: FilletEdge
Record Serial Number: 119
Memory usage: 210KB (215776 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 15042 deleted.
object 15200 added.
Description: FilletEdge
Record Serial Number: 118
Memory usage: 118KB (121612 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 14865 deleted.
object 15042 added.
Description: BooleanDifference
Record Serial Number: 117
Memory usage: 75KB (77244 bytes)
4 undoable changes happened:
object 14865 added.
object 14286 deleted.
object 9392 deleted.
object 9393 deleted.
Description: LayerManagerCopyToLayer
Record Serial Number: 116
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
3 undoable changes happened:
object 14708 added.
object 14709 added.
object 14710 added.
Description: Layer - change visibility
Record Serial Number: 115
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
layer 4 modified.
Description: LayerManagerCopyToLayer
Record Serial Number: 114
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 14610 added.
Description: Layer - change visibility
Record Serial Number: 113
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
layer 5 modified.
Description: BooleanDifference
Record Serial Number: 111
Memory usage: 38KB (38988 bytes)
3 undoable changes happened:
object 14286 added.
object 9484 deleted.
object 13978 deleted.
Description: Hide
Record Serial Number: 109
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 173 hidden.
Description: Show
Record Serial Number: 108
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
3 undoable changes happened:
object 9484 shown.
object 4016 shown.
object 173 shown.
Description: Revolve
Record Serial Number: 107
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 13978 added.
Description: Polyline
Record Serial Number: 105
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 13797 added.
Description: Polyline
Record Serial Number: 104
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 13711 added.
Description: Hide
Record Serial Number: 99
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 9484 hidden.
Description: Arc
Record Serial Number: 94
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 12984 added.
Description: Delete
Record Serial Number: 93
Memory usage: 1KB (1160 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 12242 deleted.
Description: Delete
Record Serial Number: 92
Memory usage: 1KB (1160 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 12330 deleted.
Description: Delete
Record Serial Number: 91
Memory usage: 1KB (1160 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 12256 deleted.
Description: DupEdge
Record Serial Number: 89
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 12330 added.
Description: Circle
Record Serial Number: 87
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 12256 added.
Description: ExtendDynamic
Record Serial Number: 86
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 12242 added.
Description: ExtendDynamic
Record Serial Number: 84
Memory usage: 1KB (1160 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 11439 deleted.
object 11693 added.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 83
Memory usage: 1KB (1160 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 10594 deleted.
object 11439 added.
Description: Hide
Record Serial Number: 80
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 4016 hidden.
Description: Arc
Record Serial Number: 79
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 10594 added.
Description: Delete
Record Serial Number: 78
Memory usage: 1KB (1104 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 4947 deleted.
Description: Delete
Record Serial Number: 77
Memory usage: 1KB (1200 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 9271 deleted.
Description: Hide
Record Serial Number: 68
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 173 hidden.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 67
Memory usage: 8KB (8576 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 9441 deleted.
object 9484 added.
Description: Delete
Record Serial Number: 66
Memory usage: 32KB (33396 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 2744 deleted.
Description: CurveBoolean
Record Serial Number: 65
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 9441 added.
Description: Gumball move
Record Serial Number: 64
Memory usage: 2KB (2512 bytes)
4 undoable changes happened:
object 4678 deleted.
object 9392 added.
object 4677 deleted.
object 9393 added.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 63
Memory usage: 1KB (1104 bytes)
3 undoable changes happened:
object 9307 deleted.
object 9317 added.
object 9317 attributes changed.
Description: Polyline
Record Serial Number: 62
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 9307 added.
Description: Move
Record Serial Number: 60
Memory usage: 1KB (1200 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 2088 deleted.
object 9271 added.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 59
Memory usage: 1KB (1104 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 4941 deleted.
object 4947 added.
Description: Gumball move
Record Serial Number: 58
Memory usage: 1KB (1104 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 1710 deleted.
object 4941 added.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 57
Memory usage: 2KB (2512 bytes)
4 undoable changes happened:
object 4593 deleted.
object 4677 added.
object 4592 deleted.
object 4678 added.
Description: Gumball move
Record Serial Number: 56
Memory usage: 2KB (2896 bytes)
4 undoable changes happened:
object 4320 deleted.
object 4592 added.
object 4301 deleted.
object 4593 added.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 55
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 4320 added.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 54
Memory usage: 1KB (1352 bytes)
3 undoable changes happened:
object 4233 deleted.
object 4301 added.
object 4301 attributes changed.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 53
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 4233 added.
Description: Gumball scale
Record Serial Number: 52
Memory usage: 1KB (1352 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 3856 deleted.
object 4016 added.
Description: Gumball move
Record Serial Number: 49
Memory usage: 1KB (1736 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 3688 deleted.
object 3856 added.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 48
Memory usage: 1KB (1352 bytes)
3 undoable changes happened:
object 3656 deleted.
object 3688 added.
object 3688 attributes changed.
Description: Cylinder
Record Serial Number: 47
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 3656 added.
Description: Gumball extrude
Record Serial Number: 41
Memory usage: 8KB (8576 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 2649 deleted.
object 2744 added.
Description: CurveBoolean
Record Serial Number: 40
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 2649 added.
Description: Circle
Record Serial Number: 39
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 2540 added.
Description: Delete
Record Serial Number: 35
Memory usage: 1KB (1104 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 2491 deleted.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 34
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 2491 added.
Description: Polyline
Record Serial Number: 31
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 2467 added.
Description: Delete
Record Serial Number: 30
Memory usage: 1KB (1488 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 2374 deleted.
Description: Gumball scale
Record Serial Number: 28
Memory usage: 1KB (1104 bytes)
3 undoable changes happened:
object 1718 deleted.
object 2374 added.
object 2374 attributes changed.
Description: ExtendDynamic
Record Serial Number: 27
Memory usage: 2KB (2168 bytes)
4 undoable changes happened:
object 2015 deleted.
object 2085 added.
object 2085 deleted.
object 2088 added.
Description: Move
Record Serial Number: 24
Memory usage: 1KB (1160 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 1844 deleted.
object 2015 added.
Description: Drag
Record Serial Number: 23
Memory usage: 1KB (1160 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 1736 deleted.
object 1844 added.
Description: Arc
Record Serial Number: 22
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 1736 added.
Description: Polyline
Record Serial Number: 20
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 1721 added.
Description: Polyline
Record Serial Number: 19
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 1718 added.
Description: Gumball move
Record Serial Number: 18
Memory usage: 1KB (1104 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 1443 deleted.
object 1710 added.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 17
Memory usage: 1KB (1488 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 1436 deleted.
object 1443 added.
Description: Gumball move
Record Serial Number: 16
Memory usage: 1KB (1104 bytes)
3 undoable changes happened:
object 1103 deleted.
object 1436 added.
object 1436 attributes changed.
Description: Polyline
Record Serial Number: 15
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 1103 added.
Description: Gumball move
Record Serial Number: 14
Memory usage: 2KB (2784 bytes)
4 undoable changes happened:
object 798 deleted.
object 1083 added.
object 783 deleted.
object 1088 added.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 11
Memory usage: 1KB (1104 bytes)
3 undoable changes happened:
object 772 deleted.
object 798 added.
object 798 attributes changed.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 10
Memory usage: 1KB (1104 bytes)
3 undoable changes happened:
object 773 deleted.
object 783 added.
object 783 attributes changed.
Description: Gumball move
Record Serial Number: 9
Memory usage: 1KB (2016 bytes)
4 undoable changes happened:
object 607 deleted.
object 772 added.
object 606 deleted.
object 773 added.
Description: Gumball move
Record Serial Number: 8
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
2 undoable changes happened:
object 606 added.
object 607 added.
Description: Gumball move
Record Serial Number: 7
Memory usage: 2KB (2400 bytes)
4 undoable changes happened:
object 252 deleted.
object 406 added.
object 245 deleted.
object 407 added.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 6
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 252 added.
Description: GumballTransform
Record Serial Number: 5
Memory usage: 1KB (1104 bytes)
3 undoable changes happened:
object 235 deleted.
object 245 added.
object 245 attributes changed.
Description: Polyline
Record Serial Number: 4
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 235 added.
Description: Cylinder
Record Serial Number: 2
Memory usage: 0KB (192 bytes)
1 undoable changes happened:
object 173 added.
Deleted object serial numbers:
235 c (912 bytes)
245 c (1296 bytes)
252 c (912 bytes)
606 c (912 bytes)
607 c (912 bytes)
772 c (912 bytes)
773 c (912 bytes)
783 c (1296 bytes)
798 c (1296 bytes)
1103 c (912 bytes)
1436 c (1296 bytes)
1443 c (912 bytes)
1710 c (912 bytes)
1718 c (912 bytes)
1736 c (968 bytes)
1844 c (968 bytes)
2015 c (968 bytes)
2085 c (1008 bytes)
2088 c (1008 bytes)
2374 c (1296 bytes)
2491 c (912 bytes)
2649 s (8384 bytes)
2744 p (33204 bytes)
3656 e (1160 bytes)
3688 e (1544 bytes)
3856 e (1160 bytes)
4016 e (1160 bytes)
4233 e (1160 bytes)
4301 e (1544 bytes)
4320 e (1160 bytes)
4592 e (1160 bytes)
4593 e (1160 bytes)
4677 e (1160 bytes)
4678 e (1160 bytes)
4941 c (912 bytes)
4947 c (912 bytes)
9271 c (1008 bytes)
9307 c (912 bytes)
9392 e (1160 bytes)
9393 e (1160 bytes)
9441 s (8384 bytes)
9484 p (32604 bytes)
10594 c (968 bytes)
11439 c (968 bytes)
12242 c (968 bytes)
12256 c (968 bytes)
12330 c (968 bytes)
13978 s (6192 bytes)
14286 p (74732 bytes)
14865 p (121420 bytes)
15042 p (215584 bytes)
15200 p (307560 bytes)
15440 e (1160 bytes)
16341 e (1160 bytes)
16349 e (1160 bytes)
16352 e (1160 bytes)
16369 p (362164 bytes)
16481 p (370508 bytes)
18948 p (813612 bytes)
Thanks for the information @Henk_Volkers. When the undo gets broken it will persist until a restart is done. Which version of Rhino are you running?
Hi Max, After restarting until now no problem. But now I rember I noticed this problem once before. I will come back to you when it returns.
Thanks for reacting!
@Henk_Volkers could you also send your _SystemInfo?
If this happens again, pls run both _AuditUndo, and _TestCurrentUndo,
I was experiencing the same thing today.
In my case the trigger consisted of the following:
- Having the “sun settings on” in a specific location
- Switching the “Time” with the mouse (month is ok no prob. there)
- Undo command yields “Nothing to undo (or redo)”
- Undo/redo doesn’t work even for newly performed commands
…hopefully it has an easy fix.
Hi @agamas ,
Pls run _SystemInfo and post back the results.
There has been found an undo bug in the sun panel that is fixed in 8.13
Here it is.
Looking forward to the release of v8.13.
R8.12_UndoBug-SunPath_SystemInfo_11-04-2024.txt (3.2 KB)
5 posts were split to a new topic: Polyline command issue