When using script editor in R8, sometimes the caret (text cursor) will disappear after each key stroke, and I’d have to click again to input the next charater. I think it mostly happens after moving code around using alt+arrow key.
Side note, sometimes if I save the script, then press run, but rhino crashes, the next time I open script editor, it doesn’t open the saved version, but the verion of script before the save.
@victorlin Ok one more test. Would you mind checking when this happens if the “Problem” panels at the bottom of the editor is open or not? When you change the script, the problems panel updates with new diagnostics info and may be stealing the focus.
Also I would appreciate if you can test this in 8.4 Release Candidate
it’s still happening on 8.4, it’s not as bad as beofre, there’s a slight delay, if i continuosly type, it’s fine, but if i pause it loses the caret.
it is as you said, the problem panel is stealing the focus.
it seems that if I use ctrl+up arrow after it loses the caret, it temporary “fixes” the issue for a while
So this issue had came up before and we put a fix in Rhino. I can not replicate this in 8.5 or local builds. I can replicate it in 8.4. Would you be able to test in in Rhino 8.5 release candidate?
So one of my observation (might be wrong), is that I have a habbit of double clicking the error in the problems panel to highlight the line, is seems to happen after double clicking
Also happens after usign search, double clicking the search results will result in the search pane stealing focus
Okay good clue. I was able to replicate this in 8.5 and pushed a fix. I can send you a new installer to test tomorrow if you want. Otherwise another 8.5 is released on Tuesday
I’m having the same issue. I’m on 8.15.25019.13001 which I believe is the latest. I am typing and then its picking up errors in the problems console which is a great feature. I believe that is what is causing the caret to get lost. Every time it picks up a new problem it changes the focus from the editor. Unfortunately as I’m typing there are constantly errors, since the work is incomplete. I need to type with one hand and then use the mouse in the other to keep clicking in.
Can we prioritize this as a fix since it renders the new editor unusable?
Thanks! I’ll wait till 8.17 comes out. I don’t want to bring up any other issues. I’m moving the project to visual studio to create a grasshopper plugin anyway since the project has grown in scope so I won’t need the editor as much.
I might be doing something wrong or there is something in the debugger / package installer that is not working. I’m moving to a plugin so I gave up on trying to solve this, but if it is a bug it might be something to take a look at in the 8.17 release.