Rhino 8 Print PDF

Hi Mary & Co. I am also experiencing issues with printing PDF’s from Layouts using Technical Display + Monochrome.

HI Tim,

Can you provide your Rhino SystemInfo and steps (ideally with a file) to repeat? Thanks!

Hi Japhy. I have compiled a Zip-file + send my SystemInformation to tech@.

The mail has a very long Subject, so it will be more easy for you to find it:slight_smile:

In the mail, I am also describing a very persistent bug dealing with blocks which are “Embedded and Linked”. Please get make to me with a timetabel for solving that issue as soon as possible. // Tim

RH-79582 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 4

Sorry to say. We are NOT there yet. I have just tested the DuJourBuild build from 17.January, and I still have som issues with Technical DisplayMode and Printing in Vectors where some Layers are turned off and some Detail-Views are UpsideDown after ParallelReflected has been activated in another Detail…,
I will test further tomorrow and mail with Bernat in the European Timezone :slight_smile:
Other Issues are related to Monochrome DisplayMode when used in a Detail in Layout and 1 in 9 fails to show the “Ambient Occlusion”/GI/Softshadows in the View

Hi Tim -

I didn’t find any details in parallel reflected in the file you posted and I wasn’t able to reproduce any upside-downs. If you still see this in the 8.4 that Bernat sent you, please post a file that only contains the details that are applicable or a more detailed description of which detail on which page you are seeing something wrong.

I did see that occluded objects were being drawn in the vector PDF output. This issue is on the list as RH-79808 Print: Vector PDF output from technical - issue sample file - II

When a camera is inside a wall, the result will be thereafter.

I would expect that a wall or a slab or a column would occlude all other objects in the scene if/when you place a camera inside it.

RH-79582 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 4 Release Candidate

More v8 macOS printing issues here.

Here is what the detail on a sheet layout looks like vs. PDF output:

PDF output:

Hi @John_Williams,
Would it be possible to send us this file so we can try to repeat the bug?

Model is 120MB. Let me know how to transfer it.

John Williams

404.512.1891 (m)


Here’s a link to our upload system

Just uploaded the model file.

I want to report a strange behavior in the print pop-up.
When i change from raster to vector all my detail views in line mode (like monochrome, technical or wireframe) move 5mm to the up left. The quote don’t follow if they are not anchored to the object and my layout is not centered anymore.
In vector the Render view are no printed at all, it is shown in the preview however.
The quality is much better in vector mode for the line but it’s too bad that I can’t make a presentation with a render view all together.
Also I can’t open the properties panel.
I work on mac 14.5 and my rhino version is 8.8.2

I would really appreciate to have any support on this. I can provide more info but can’t post my file in public.

Thank you