Rhino 8 OpenGL AA with tessellation on

Hi guys, I have seen this for a while and finally wanted to just comment on it.
Do you know why the smoothing of curves are different based on the direction of the curve? The AA smooths differently before the quadrants than after. (Flipping the curve direction or mirroring the curves will affect this)

Rhino 8, 4x AA, max Tessellation quality, RTX 4070 on latest Studio drivers.

If I turn off “use GPU Tessellation” then I looks smoother.

But I loose some redraw speed. On a test with a complex drawing consisting of 1000 equal blocks (with 460 curves and 17 2d blocks in them) I went from 112 fps to 29 fps, so I won’t turn Tessellation off for visual quality, but i would like to see a slightly better fidelity on the curve drawing IF this is possible. Just found it curious that curve direction affects the smoothing.


This is the wheelhouse of @stevebaer

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