When trying to update the intensity of lights it seems they keep on trying to revert back to 0.01 or some incorrect value.
I can make this happen in 2 different ways in the lighting panel:
Set a light intensity value using either text input or the slider. Then switch panel to anything else (layer, materials, render, ect.) and switch back to lighting panel and the light intensity input is set back to 0.01.
Set a light intensity value using either text input or the slider. Then toggle isolate light checkbox and the light intensity reverts back to 0.01 or 0.0.
In trying to recreate this behavior I have found that if I jank around on different lights and isolate them at random I can sometimes get the desired light intensity value to “stick” and not revert to 0.0
I saw some notes in the latest Rhino 8 service release about some input sliders not working but nothing exactly the same on windows.
Is there any workaround for this or an alternative way to change the light intensity? Maybe there is a rendering setting which I have overlooked that is causing the lights to be turned off?
thanks in advance.