The clipping plane setting is set to show fill.
nevertheless although the object is “not” solid it shows fill in the cut as soon as it register a closed curve section !
Is it a bug ?
A from up show clipping
A1 from down shows open & closed cylinders
A2 shows if the plane is not cutting a close section
Difficult to be sure from just a few images (please always post a 3dm file), but that sounds like the correct behavior as long as “Section open objects” is checked.
yes it was the section style in layer ! thanks
i wonder why is the default set to show cut-surface even the object is not a solid, this was not the behaviour in Rhino 7
There has been a large number of user requests throughout the years for filling sections when the section curve is closed. After more than a year of Rhino 8, I haven’t seen requests to change the state of this option.