Rhino 8 Bug - Section style settings not applied

In Rhino 8.0 (I’ve seen other talking here about 8.1, but can’t seem to access it here) on mac0S 13.6, there seem to be some bugs with section styles.

To reproduce :

  • Create a simple box
  • Create one XY clipping plane
  • Set object or layer (probably also plane) section style :
    • try to set a colored background for the hatch : you’ll get the object color as a solid hatch
    • try to set a colored boundary : you’ll get the object color


Same problem on Windows, Rhino 8.1

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Hi, i’m having this same issue on Rhino 8.12. Has anyone fixed this?

Could also be me being stupid. Any help much appreciated!

Rhino section bug?.3dm (2.7 MB)

Hi Theo -

I’m not seeing any section style assigned in your file.
You can do so either by layer or by object.

Ah I see, I was applying it to the section itself not the object that it is sectioning. Many thanks!

Hi Theo -

You can do it like that as well, but then you need to set an object’s or layer’s section style to “By Clipping Plane”.

But that way is quite a bit more limited as you can only have one style for all objects per clipping plane.