Rhino 8 and Python support

This is probably already answered somewhere so I apologize if it is repetitive. Feel free to attach it to the appropriate topic if you know. We are working on a virtual testbed MPC controls architecture using Rhino + GH together with a proprietary code in Python. The issue we are running into is that in order to talk to Python natively, we need Rhino to support Python version 3.7+. Currently, Rhino and GH modules are supporting Python 2.7. My question is two-part

  1. Will Rhino 8 support Python 3.7+?
  2. When will Rhino 8 be released or any projected month/year that you may know of? Our trial license is about to end and we will be purchasing Rhino to continue working on the project.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Hi Resh,

Rhino 8 WIP is available now for Rhino 7 license holders and has a new RhinoCode editor that supports Python3 and will be much more flexible.

Rhino 8 release date isn’t firm, 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2023 most likely.

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Thank you. We will try the Rhino 8 WIP.

Alternatively, is there a way to wrap Rhino+GH directly in Python outside and execute commands from a Python interface? I would just have to build up the physical model in GH and then import that into my Python code and run commands there.

You could try Rhino.Inside CPython for this