This is probably already answered somewhere so I apologize if it is repetitive. Feel free to attach it to the appropriate topic if you know. We are working on a virtual testbed MPC controls architecture using Rhino + GH together with a proprietary code in Python. The issue we are running into is that in order to talk to Python natively, we need Rhino to support Python version 3.7+. Currently, Rhino and GH modules are supporting Python 2.7. My question is two-part
Will Rhino 8 support Python 3.7+?
When will Rhino 8 be released or any projected month/year that you may know of? Our trial license is about to end and we will be purchasing Rhino to continue working on the project.
Alternatively, is there a way to wrap Rhino+GH directly in Python outside and execute commands from a Python interface? I would just have to build up the physical model in GH and then import that into my Python code and run commands there.