Rhino 7 vs. Rhino 6 - 30% to 50% Slower GPU performance

Virtual desktops are indeed a win 10 feature. They just added a button next to the start button for quickly accessing it.
For my first week dealing with windows 11 it is basically windows 10 with thematic changes and the complete removal of internet explorer

That’s it.


How useful are these questions? Are you really helping or contributing? From the total amount of help you’ve provided, it makes about 70% difference in time to address the topic at hand because you are suspicious of piracy. Just ask if it’s a registered version and legit Windows instead of hiding behind emoji :stuck_out_tongue: so we can move on and see if there’s anything we can do or find out about the performance gap. This is likely to result in me and other like me not having wasted time going through a thread of somebody spending their whole time explaining their OS situation, rather than focussing on development, finding possible issues in settings and bug-fixing…

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Totally agree. Here is someone who spent clearly quite a lot of time benchmarking and pointing out quite large speed drops between versions and some people on here spend several posts basically trying to say his methods are wrong and that it basically doesn’t matter.

I have been noticing performance drops in the viewport as well and it is something that should be addressed. So, @tay.othman don’t get discouraged, you are doing something good and basically proving something that I had a subjective feeling about as well. Thanks!


I do think so! My point is that for any performance testing, it is very important to have proper testing conditions and profiling tools. Otherwise, the result may be wrong or even lead to wrong conclusions. One aspect of this is using a stable system. It just went into another direction, once I said that a potentially patched Rhino version or OS might not perform the same as a normal would do, for several reasons… I wasn’t trying to accuse anyone for piracy. Nor, was I saying that the results are incorrect. I was just saying that it might be incorrect, especially if you say that Rhino7 has 30%-50% slower GPU performance.

2 weeks ago, it was not possible to participate in the beta program. There was only a leaked beta. At least this what I have read. First there was the leak, then the official beta program. And maybe Microsoft leaked it on purpose, who knows that. But again that is not my point. And yes, there is no real coincidence of using leak builds and piracy. Just as a hardware benchmark might be the wrong tool of comparing software versions.

You always have to question the methods. This is the fundamental skill of scientific work. This has nothing to do that it’s good that somebody does benchmarking.

I wasn’t aware of this feature. I missed there is a ‘New Desktop’ button on top left once you clicked on that button… At least I learned something out of this thread.

Anyway, I’m out…

You came up with the idea that his Rhino is patched all by yourself the moment you saw Windows 11. His testing conditions are clearly documented. You could have just said “I’m unable to account for Windows 11 having any effect and assume you are running stock Rhino” and then made a comment. I’m not saying you were trying to accuse anybody, just that the things you said and how you said it might seem accusatory and unhelpful to some.

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I agree with @TomTom that when doing benchmarking is important to run on a clean and stable system in the very least to establish a baseline: fully updated OS, all irrelevant processes shut down (discord, slack, sonic sound studio, antivirus, software updaters, quick launchers, dropbox, etc etc). Run benchmarks while the system stays untouched.

When that is done turn back on your process as you have your system regularly running. That way you get an idea of how these processes impact performance. Many of the processes mentioned hook into other processes like Rhino and may actually impact how things work.

Then of course it is important to run the benchmarks many times, then average out the results. For regular users 3-5 times is probably ok, but to get better results it is good to run ~10 times, each time with the machine first settled into a stable temperature etc.

Also, it is maybe to the best interest to use the service releases, not service release candidates (or even WIP) of Rhino while doing benchmarking.

It is useful for us to see what users get for performance.

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Do you think exporting a Display Mode from Rhino 6 to Rhino 7 would be worth trying? If it’s the same, then we can at least rule this out and use it as a common reference point.

Using that shared display mode, try turning some things on and off in this common display mode and it might become possible to isolate the culprate processes slowing down 7. It’s just my guess, but I’d say the devs would have an easier time looking at data that points to a single performance disparity, rather than overall result.

Hello All,

I just spent my long weekend testing multiple systems, my understanding that Holmark wasn’t designed with V7 it fails occasionally at GPU test 7, so I had to make my own file to test the performance on a clean system.

Windows 10 May 2021 update 21H1
Latest Nvidia Driver : 471.11
Rhino 6 SR 34
Rhino 7 SR 7 (With TestEnableMultiThreadedMeshing = Off)
No Other software installed.

HM2_V6_Illustration.ini (11.7 KB)
HM2_V6_Render.ini (12.2 KB)
HM2_V6_Shaded.ini (12.8 KB)

Below are my findings:
1- Illustration mode the drop of performance in 2D Massive test is caused by V-Ray, I already emailed Chaos support highlighting this issue. disabling V-Ray , resolved the issue. @stevebaer

2- Shaded Mode, I made an array of Mini Coopers (125) and Ran TestMaxSpeed, I got 12.52 FPS for Rhino 7 vs 13.60 FPS for Rhino 6

3- Rendered Mode , Same array of (125) Mini coopers using the Rendered Display mode from Holomark. my results were 1.48 FPS on Rhino 7 vs 1.77 FPS on Rhino 6

4- Wireframe Mode - This is where Rhino 7 actually performs much better, I got 24.15 FPS on Rhino 7, vs 17.89 FPS on Rhino 6.

All these Tests are calculated as average of 5 tests of “testmaxspeed” per session, using the same file, same display settings, no plug-ins loaded and no background processes other than windows native ones.

I’ll keep sharing what I’m finding.