Rhino 7 - RhinoScript External Access


I have a C# application that connects to to an instance of Rhino that is already running.

I was using Rhino 6 and it worked when I used the “Rhino.Interface” to connect, preferably, to an existing instance of Rhino. Now it does not connect to an instance that is already running. The code ALWAYS launches a new instance.

The help is the same, at least currently the version that we have on the website and also in the local files of Rhino.

  • Application verses Interface Object

Creating a Rhino Application object will always result in a new running instance of Rhino.

When you create a Rhino Interface object, if an instance of Rhino is already running, you will be given a reference to this existing Interface object. If Rhino is not running, it will be launched and you be given a reference to this newly created object. Note, if more than one instance of Rhino is already running, there is no way to determine in advance which running instance to which you will be given reference.*

Was something changed in Rhino 7? Is this a bug?

Thank you!

Hi @scudelari,

I’ve logged an issue to look into what you’ve reported.



– Dale

Hi @dale,

Thank you for the quick work on the issue. From what I saw, you already fixed the issue in the code :slight_smile:

Will this be fixed in the next Rhino 7 update?

Thanks a lot!

Hi @scudelari,

The fix will be included with Rhino 7 SR3.


– Dale