Hello - is there a Rhino 7 manual already? I cannot find it. If not, will there be one created as a PDF or only the web based version? Thank you.
The documentation we do have is on the Learn page.
I don’t know what you mean by “manual”, but maybe the User’s Guide is the place to start.
You can get to a PDF or HTML in the Rhino Help menu > Learn Rhino > Tutorials and Samples > User’s Guide
I’ll make this simpler.
I want this; http://docs.mcneel.com.s3.amazonaws.com/rhino/6/training-level1/en-us/Rhino%206%20Level%201%20Training.pdf
But for Rhino 7, not Rhino 6. Does it exist?
No, I don’t think so. The training manuals usually take quite some time to be updated, and they need to be translated in all languages. This time especially with the addition of completely new workflows like SubD, which can take an entire training manual just in itself. So probably not going to happen immediately. The V6 manuals are still valid for most things.
Yeah, I’m aware of that - it’s actually Sub-D stuff I want to be able to work through and teach.
I think it does need its own training manual - wonder if we will be so lucky.
You and me both…
The Level I and Level II Training guides are being worked on now. As Mitch mentioned they usually take a while until how training for the new tools are developed. It’s not like someone can just sit down an write them.
I haven’t heard how SubD tools will be included but I know it’s getting a lot of attention.
I appreciate that it takes time but the Rhino 6 manual was out right away with Rhino 6 - and as previously mentioned 90% of the tools will be the same so it can be copy and pasted. Look forward to seeing it when it’s done.
While V6 had a great deal of new technology “under the hood” that made Mac and Windows Rhino more equal, and laid the ground work for V7’s new tools, there weren’t many changes in V6 that required big changes in the User’s Guide and Training Guides.
The updates were minor and easy.
V7 has a lot more new tools that are major changes to the user exposed tools. Much bigger job.
The best sudb training material we have is here. We are adding to it every week right now: https://www.rhino3d.com/tutorials/#subd
The basic tutorials are toward the top.
We arel also adding here quite often: https://youtube.com/c/Rhinoceros3d
We also are working on similar rendering updates here: https://www.rhino3d.com/tutorials/#rendering
We are also coming up with tutorials that cover jewelry, architecture and product design. Is that enough material to generate your training material?
It is more of the step by step stuff you can find in the PDF manuals that would be really useful. I have watched all the 1st party and 3rd party videos I can find on the subject and it is all just quick process videos. I am not yet fluent in Sub D myself so the exercises would be good for me to get used to doing and then getting students doing in the short term before making my own examples at a later date.
Yep. As we build up the material, we can break down the basics like the cup and fork.
This is a list of model challenges: SubD Challenges master list
Then each challenge should get one of these types of videos. For instance this is the hand challenge: https://youtu.be/EaB548qwpm4
Here are 3 courses that also might be of help here. There is one on SubD and another on the new Rendering. They are much more step by step the the others:
Would that work?
Thank you.
SubD for Rhino 7 by Brian James
This is a great video. Appropriate speed and clear communication (shame some background noises). Would be great to see more like this.
More will be on the way.
I just downloaded the Mac evaluation version and followed the help menu to Tutorials and Samples but it does not go to user guide, nothing comes up. Any suggestion.
Input your email and download here: Rhino - Download - Rhino Level 2 Training Guide and Models
Thanks for sharing.