It would be really handy to have an option to apply a script/command to an object/single plane to orientate it towards the active camera, similar to the way people do in Sketchup.
I often add people to scenes in Illustrator or by hand within the 3D model.
Also an interesting script from the past - it allow to define billboard objects and to turn the object per second command. So, this script can be used for Bongo animations, where you can start a script before each next frame. Objects doesn’t need to be selected anymore.
I setup two button like this:
Allign Billboards to camera
-_LoadScript “C:\Program Files (x86)\Rhinoceros 4.0\Extra\V4-RotateMapped.rvb” o
Select Billboards
-_LoadScript “C:\Program Files (x86)\Rhinoceros 4.0\Extra\V4-RotateMapped.rvb” s
That’s a really cool toy outside of Grasshopper, thank you. Reminds me of a mirror I saw at an art gallery in Istanbul. The face of the mirror was broken up into small squares which were on actuators, with a camera in the middle of the sculpture. As people moved or walked past, the mirrors moved to mimic the shape/shadow mush the same way this does.