Have you tried running Rhino so that the Titan X is the primary, used GPU? The Intel HD Graphics 4600 isn’t exactly the most powerful GPU out there, and with Rhino 6 demanding (much) more of the GPU than v5…
Yes indeed, I’ve changed the primary graphics card in a few tries to improve the situation. And then I did confirm that Rhino6 was using it by checking in options > view > opengl
I will upload the file using your link and refer there to this topic.
I mainly work in wireframe and shaded mode, but it has the problem in all view modes.
The reason I prefer to use the intel while working in Rhino, is that the when I render using the Titan X, and use that as the primary graphic card, the whole system becomes slow, whereas if I use the intel as primary, and render with the Titan X, the system stays usable.
Anyway, as said, this file is very slow with both graphic cards.
I’ve tested your file with an Intel 4600 and I can see the slowdown. However, for me Rhino 5 is just as slow. Opening the file and doing TestMaxSpeed gives me:
Rhino 6: Time to regen viewport 100 times = 12.14 seconds. (8.24 FPS)
Rhino 5: Time to regen viewport 100 times = 11.45 seconds
If I use my GTX 980 GPU TestMaxSpeed gives me ~2 seconds (~45FPS)
The scene contains 95 000 curves.
I’d be interested in hearing what you get when running TestMaxSpeed in V5 vs V6.
Good. The effect of slowing down is especially mainly strong when drawing / editing. Did you also have the slowdown there? That is where the file is really slow and unworkable in R6, while it works ok in R5…
Anyway, Here are my results with TestMaxSpeed:
Wireframe rhino 6 - intel4600: Time to regen viewport 100 times = 9.61 seconds. (10.41 FPS)
Wireframe rhino 5 - intel4600: Time to regen viewport 100 times = 3.64 seconds.
Wireframe rhino 6 - Titan X: Time to regen viewport 100 times = 2.31 seconds. (43.25 FPS)
Wireframe rhino 5 - Titan X: Time to regen viewport 100 times = 3.31 seconds.
The slowdown is going to be much greater when drawing / editing / moving objects since it will draw all four viewports to reflect your changes in real time. When you rotate around in a viewport only that viewport is updated, and therefore it is faster.
What’s interesting here is that your Rhino 5 seems to be 3x faster than mine. Anyone else have ideas? @jeff@stevebaer?
David, can you debug on your 4600 gpu to make sure the gl33_curve shader is being used in V6? I would expect significantly different results from what you got.
I had a similar problem on my laptop that has an Intel 4000 chip. I fixed it by downloading from Intel the latest version of their video driver for that chip. The same thing might work for the 47000.
Please make sure you’re comparing apples-to-apples here…
Rhino V5 always turned OFF Vertical Sync, whereas V6 uses whatever the GPU setting is… You can control it in V6 using the scripted version of TestMaxSpeed…
For example:
-_TestMaxSpeed VerticalSync=Disabled ENTER
… It might not make a difference for some tests…However, it can make huge differences for others.
I have been running into the same issue. My biggest issues come into play when I load a High Res Mesh object. That’s where it starts, then if I have vertex snap turned on, moving my cursor anywhere close to the model causes a terrible hang. like go get a cup of coffee kind of hang.
Side note, if I turn on edges in rendered mode, it behaves like x-ray all wires is on. (I had this issue in Rhino 5 as well)
I have had recurring freezing problems with Rhino 6 on both Windows and Mac computers and reverted back to Rhino 5 for a while. Then I started experimenting to try to isolate factors that might be causing the problem. For me the answer seems to be disconnecting any internet connection once the license has been retrieved for my Windows computers which share a cloud served commercial license. My MacBook has a stand-alone commercial license so I just disconnect from the internet before I start using Rhino. After I’m done I can get back online so my files synch up on Google drive. I did try moving the active file out of the Google drive folder while working to avoid incremental updates but as long as I had an open internet connection the freezes continued. I hope McNeel will get Rhino 6 more stable soon but at least I can use 6 now without the interruptions.
Windows- Just downloaded the latest SRC Rhino 6 SR14 2019-3-5 (Rhino 6, 6.14.19064.4371, Git hash:master @ d340745acdd
I have not had a chance to try it out yet but the previous SRC was tested and exhibited the freezes.
Earlier today I was on the MacBook running the 6 WIP (6.14.19057.13066, 2019-02-26)
This version exhibited freezing too and solved by disconnecting from internet.
I live in China and internet filtering may be a factor. However so far Rhino license retrieval has run pretty smoothly here even with no VPN.
Because you have a standalone license on your mac, I don’t think this is related to the licensing code. There’s absolutely no reason for a standalone license to even try to connect to the internet.
However, I wonder if this is related to the collection of usage statistics. On your Mac, please:
Open Rhinoceros > Preferences
Click the General page
Clear the “Allow the collection of usage statistics” checkbox
Is Rhino able to run while you are still connected to the internet with this disabled?