We have a self created C++ PlugIn here. When starting Rhino 6 from within Dev Studio, everything works fine, including Debugghing. Unfortunately Rhino crashes immediately during PlugIn initialization, when Rhino 6 is started from the desktop.
I have already filled the Mcneel Error Reporting a few times…
From the report I see in your exception tracking system I see “Das mit dieser Datei verbundene Plug-in ist ladegeschützt”.
Right-click on your plug-in RHP and any DLLs bundled, check if the files are blocked. Make sure you unblock them. Does that work for you?
This blocking mechanism is a feature from Windows where untrusted files are automatically blocked.
Hi Nathan, thanks for the quick answer. I looked at the file properties, but did not see any special difference to other files. Please see attached picture.
Btw, my Explorer says .rhp is default for Rhino 5, but this should not play a role in this case, since I register the PlugIn for Rhino 6. As said I have no problem, if I start Rhino with the PlugIn from within Visual Studio 2017.