Rhino 6 clients can not connect to Zoo server

Zoo 7 service is running on Windows server 2012 R2.
No error in Event viewer Appl.
When running Zoo Diagnostics on the server:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

Server: server.3rw.local
Name: bimserver.3rw.local

Tracing route to BIMSERVER.3rw.local []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms BIMSERVER.3rw.local []
Trace complete.

Error: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

Running netstat -ano (on the server, does not list port 80)

IIS not installed, Java not installed, Windows firewall open inbound rule TCP 80. Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager ver 14 is installed.
This Zoo server have been working for several years, but after an Windows Update it stopped deploying licenses. I was running Zoo server 6 when this problem came up, An update to Zoo 7 server did not solve the problem.
ZooAdmin looks ok and lists several licenses available.

Are you using a Proxy Server?

No, we are not using proxy server.

Any ideas?

If I run telnet 80
I get no connection. This happens when running on the server and client.
That is strange or? is the IP address of the server.

Sounds to me like the Zoo service is not able to serve on port 80.

Can you please look in the event log, under the McNeel section, to see if there are any Zoo events logged?

It’s possible that a different service (IIS, Skype?) is already running on port 80 and blocking the Zoo’s ability to serve on that port.

Attached is the eventlog(mcneel.evtx).

Netstat indicates port 80 is free(result.txt).

IIS, Skype not being used.


(Attachment mcneel.evtx is missing)

result.txt (80.1 KB)

Hi Morten,

Thank you. I don’t see mcneel.evtx - can you please zip and attach it?

Zipped and attached…


result.zip (6.08 KB)

mcneel.zip (273 KB)

Sorry to take so long getting back to you. It appears that the Zoo Service is only binding to the localhost address ( and not to your public IP address.

From Zoo Admin, click Tools > Options, and select “All” from “Bind to IP Address”

Does that fix it?


The Bind to IP Address “All” setting was already set.

I did however change it to the local IP address(, only two options(All or local IP)) and after that the Zoo service not starting and I am not able to change the binding settings…

I seem to have messed this up, restart of the computer and repair of the Zoo server does not seem to help.

Zoo_server.zip (25.9 KB)

new_result.zip (281 KB)

Hi Morten,


The configuration is in %PROGRAMDATA%\McNeel\Zoo\7.0\config.xml

Can you please

  1. Close Zoo Admin
  2. Rename that file to config-backup.xml
  3. Restart the Zoo service from Control Panel

Does this let you back into the Zoo Admin? Does it change how the Zoo behaves?

If the Zoo works better, please send me both config.xml and config-backup.xml


I am back in Zoo Admin.

New config.xml still not created.


config-backup.zip (478 Bytes)

Zoo_server_admin.zip (124 KB)

Thanks. I think I need to set up a time to do a remote-control session with you to figure this out. I’ll email you directly.

It looks like the problem here is that the Zoo 7 doesn’t run on Windows Server 2012 R2. I’ve logged this issue to make sure the Zoo doesn’t install on that platform: