Rhino 6 & 7 – Imported Display Mode


I’m new here.

Is there an easy way to adjust Custom Display Mode that’s been imported into Rhino 7 (from Rhino 6) to be rendered equally as it was originally? Rhino 7 renders it with a gloss, whereas I’d prefer to be as it was in version 6.

I looked through Custom Display Mode’s settings but couldn’t find a way.


Hello - can you post the ini file?


Sure, it’s a modified Arctic Mode (ambient occlusion + texture maps).
Arctic3.ini (12.8 KB)


Hi Harry - the mode, as it opens here, is set to use the object rendering material -

Is that your intention?


Yes, that’s my favorite way of working – having rendering materials inside the beautiful OA mode in the viewport.

Another example:

Both mountains in the first post have “Rendering material” checked in Display mode (exact same *.ini file), only V6 renders those textures clean, whereas V7 adds a little bit of glossy overlay which makes objects harder to workt with and analyze/ present to clients.

Thanks for assessing this.


Hello - can you provide a simple example file that includes a material that shows the difference? Here, the material I used was not glossy.


Sure, here it is.
Example_.3dm (1.6 MB)


Hi Harry - the material on that object has 100% reflectivity, but the reflection color is set to black or dark gray, hence the gloss effect. Set that to zero.


Aaaaah, of course!
