Rhino 5 ungroup All child group object when create by command ArrayCrv with Record history = Yes

Rhino 5 ungroup All child group object when create by command ArrayCrv with Record history = Yes

Pls help. I am Support for Jewelry Designer Dept.
Thank you.
Bangkok Thailand.

Hi :smile:
If I understand the question correctly, the command you are looking for is Historypurge - this will delete history data for the selected objects.

If it’s a question of the objects being looked, you need to right-click RecordHistory in the Status Bar and de-select Lock Children.

HTH, Jakob

Hi :slight_smile: Thanks for you reply not object lock, ArrayCrv copy Group Objec1 to Object1_copy1, Object1_copy2, … all copy to Ungoup.

step to test command in rhino 5
step 0. Create 1.Cicle, 2.Rectangle, 3.Cicle big size
step 1.Group 1.Circle with 2.Rectangle
step 2.Click Object on step 1 and run command ArrayCrv
step 3.and Click Object 3.Cicle for path curve Basepoint
step 4. enter items number 5
all 5 items copy object to ungroup Circle from Rectangle

my user work with rhino 4 to not ungroup and keep history.

my test command

Command: _Circle
Center of circle ( Deformable Vertical 2Point 3Point Tangent AroundCurve FitPoints ):
Radius <17.639> ( Diameter Orientation Circumference Area ):
Command: _Rectangle
First corner of rectangle ( 3Point Vertical Center Rounded ):
Other corner or length ( 3Point Rounded ):
1 curve added to selection.
1 curve added to selection.
Command: _Group
2 curves added to selection.
Command: _Ellipse
Ellipse center ( Deformable Vertical Corner Diameter FromFoci AroundCurve ):
End of first axis ( Corner ):
End of second axis:
1 curve added to selection.
Drag objects, tap Alt to make a duplicate:
2 curves added to selection.
Command: _ArrayCrv
Select path curve ( Basepoint ):
1 curve added to selection.