(Brian Gillespie)
May 21, 2014, 8:52pm
Rhino 5 SR9 Release Candidate 1 is now available.
To receive release candidate updates:
From the Tools menu in Rhino, click Check for Updates
In the Updates and Statistics page, select Service Release Candidates in the Update Frequency drop-down box.
Click OK.
Or, download manually .
Here’s a list of what has changed since SR8 .
Please report any problems on this forum.
Hi Brian,
what’s withis this:
See attached file.
When I place the block, the ‘R’, without rotation at the point all is good.
As soon as I use the rotation option from the _insert dialog the block is rotated around some other place.
Is this a bug or something I do not understand?
CP_Block_A.3dm (87.3 KB)
Pascal said “high priority for SR 9”.
This issue is 5 months ago…
and that:
in the attached, boolean fails (pipe-like object - plane).
Also _wirecut fails.
As far as I see the objects are ok…
(I know how to get a solution, just wanted to report this bug.)
CP_NoBool.3dm (48.2 KB)
(Brian Gillespie)
May 22, 2014, 4:13pm
Hi Charles,
Thanks for the reminders. I brought up the block insertion bug with @dale to see if we can get it fixed. If it’s a simple fix, we’ll slip it into SR9. If not, it won’t be until SR10.
The Boolean fail has a question for you from BrianJ, with no reply - what exactly were you expecting in this case?
A bug known for so long.