Rhino 3dm file version converter

Rh3dmConverterV2.zip (7.6 MB)

I found I can no longer edit the origina post. Here’s the newer version.

  • Support converting file in-place.
  • Support drag and drop.
  • Auto detection of installed Rhino version.

@mary Can Discourse make an exception so that I can edit the original post?


Hi Keyu -

I’ve updated the link in the original post.

I only have Mac, can anyone help me convert a rhino 8 file to rhino 7?

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Do you have a script to convert all the files in a directory instead of one by one?

Also it is possible to add a SaveSmall option?

@Cumberland, use either a PowerShell script or a good old Windows Batch file.

For example:

@echo off
for %%f in (*.3dm) do call convert3dm %%~f %%~nf_v5.3dm --version=50

Putting this in a batch file and running it will convert all 3dm files in a folder to Rhino 5 format.

– Dale


Dear Keys Gan,
I’ve used your converter to convert R8 files to R7.
That worked great except for one (big, 8gb) file.
That gives this error. Do you have any aide what is wrong?
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Rh3dmConverter.MainForm.button2_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Thanks! Ron

In my opinion, this topic must be placed at the top of the forum forever, because it’s very important to have a Rhino 3dm file converter. Many people still use Rhino 7 or earlier versions (some stick to Rhino 5 solely because of the SVR plug-in).


THANK YOU! This saved my life

A post was split to a new topic: Convert .3dm to .stl

U safe my day thanx !!

I would argue that this option should be built in to all future Rhino versions.
Actually just a link to where to download a converter whenever Rhino discovers that the .3dm you try to open is of a newer version would be just fine.

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Yes, it’s pity that such an option is not built-in into Rhino by default. 99% of the Rhino users are not aware of the existence of this handy tool here.

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