Retrieve Tree Branches from Grafted List

Hi everyone,

I am trying to retrieve tree branches of a grafted list, hoping it would follow the initial grafted pattern as a guide. But even with the “Renumber” function of Tree Branch, I end up with items split in new branches instead of merged into the initial branch.

See image below of the wished list, and the result obtained from Tree Branch - Renumber with additional {2} {3} {4} {10} branches, instead of only {1} {6}.

There is probably a simple solution, but I have not been able to find it so far.
Thank you for your support.

Grafted Tree (11.2 KB)

Classic :exclamation: :rofl:

Thank you for your answer Joseph. Unfortunately, I am not sure how I would be able to reach the desired path in red where:
{1} contains points ({14}(0), {14}(0), {15}(0),{15}(1), {16}(0),{16}(1), {17}(0),{17}(1))
{6} contains points ({37}(0), {38}(0), {39}(0))

treebranch requires a path input, so use tree statistics, and either a) select the path(s) you want and then feed to treebranch, or b) if using a numeric selection method, use constructpath and then feed to treebranch

might need to organize your points in such a way that the selection method works.

best tutorial on paths is by the master himself, David Ruten. the tutorial is 10 years old, I’ve been using grasshopper since it came out, I still watch the video once a year and learn something

there are a series of 8? videos in all, for a better link, google

“david ruten tutorial on tree branches grasshopper3d”

Thank you Markz.

I have been looking at these tutorials a few times already, but always good to look at them again.

I have tried specifically with path input (both from tree stats or construct path) and the Tree Branch component still behave the same in “Renumber” mode, placing the items from initial branch {15} in {2} instead of {1}. Some manual formatting might do the trick, but I need to be able to apply the script to several different geometries and having to format everything manually every time would be too time consuming.

Actually found the solution, which ended up being quite simple. Grouping the geometry to reduce number of items of the different branches into 1 item, in addition to List Length and Partition List did the trick.

Grafted Tree Branch (8.9 KB)

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