Resolving Corner Surfaces


What is a good approach to resolve a missing corner surface like this:

I need the two straight edges to have smooth C2 continuity into the topmost surfaces, while the curved edge can be position (C1).

Corner Surface.3dm (1.0 MB)

Hi Justin - one way is to make a surface like this-

and carefully (MoveUVN for instance) adjust the marked points. You can get very close.

Corner Surface_Maybe.3dm (311.1 KB)


I see, so you created a surface with four edges and then moved the UV’s in the circled area to create a curve? What surface creation tool did you use to create the four sided surface so that it had continuity to the top most surfaces?

Build the whole upper surface as one rectangular patch with as few control points as possible.
Draw a blend curve that defines the rounded corner and trim the surface (or better split edges and use curve to replace edges)
Than build the blended surface and match surface edge to the blend curve.

Hi Justin - what I actually did was ExterndSrf on one of the surfaces with Merge=No. Then MatchSrf to the other edge for curvature. Changed degree to 5 in each direction and noodled points…


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After extending the surface, with merge turned off, I am not able to click on any of the edges of the newly created surface for matchsrf tool.

Yeah, sorry - UntrimBorder…
Note when you extend, you can SetBasePoint and set that on the corner of the surface so that you can snap and extend just the right amount to match up to the other edge.


Why is UntrimBoarder necessary after extruding the surface?

Hi Justin, I wondered that myself and it looks to me like it does this because the input surface is trimmed - it must set all edges as being trimmed in these cases, even if they are ‘triviially trimmed’ @rajaa - is that correct, a trimmed surface will always be extended as a trimmed surface even if the extrnded edge is not really trimmed and Merge=No?


every time I see a questions like this I post this again-

this is the best rhino video series out at the moment for learning the “right” way to build.

check out the whole series, you won’t regret it.


Thanks for sharing Kyle!

keep these bookmarked… I have been modeling for 30 years, and have build thousands and thousands and thousands of production models.

I STILL go back and watch these when I take a coffee break. Sky created and then just handed over a gold mine to our community.

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