Request: kangaroo2 converged toggle (true/false)

i would like to know how or if possible to request

when k2 is calculating, is there a way to have a toggle activated to True when the calculation has converged and stopped? this will allow creating a gate for the next def to start only

when k2 engine has stopped

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6 years later and I need the same thing! Seems like a relatively simple devsug that could add a lot more functionality.

When you have downstream operations which you only want to happen when Kangaroo has finished solving, I generally recommend using the Zombie solver instead, as this only outputs the end equilibrium state.

I’ve been playing around this morning and found a solution.

If you don’t want to use a Zombie solver, you can get this result with a combination of sticky variables in a Python / C# script, a trigger and Heteroptera’s Event Gate. Stick a Stream Filter to the end and you get a solution that will only forward data if the solver has converged, and (importantly) will not continuously trigger once the solver is in a converged state. Just plug in the data you want to forward to Stream 1 on the Stream Filter.

Hope this helps!