Current _SubDCrease arguments are: CreaseAll, ConstantWeight, SmallerText, LargerText.
CreaseAll and ConstantWeight are the most commonly used, and it’s annoying that they start with the same letter because one can’t just type “c” for ConstantWeight (not a big deal to type “co” I know but still it’s not as ergonomic as it could be).
Could CreaseAll be changed for HardCreaseAll please ?
accessing command options via a single letter can be tricky - and I also do not love the current implementation. (first character, if already used 2nd, if already used 3rd, …)
there is an old post
where I suggested - for your case:
c → CreaseAll
cc → Cosntantweigt
(and a fictional 3rd option Clear all)
ccc → Clear all
@Tom_P It’s an interesting suggestion but I understand that not everyone would agree that it would constitute an improvement.
In my case I’m not requesting a massive UI change. All I say is that for the _SubDCrease command, the CreaseAll argument should be renamed HardCreaseAll. Quick win, and the intern can do it.
I see your point - and somehow agree.
But - I think it is a bad Idea to name an option with the bad automatism in mind, that generates inconsistent shortcuts.
So Rhino has to many of those inconsistencies and I would love to see general solutions for this.
When you use the icon for SubDCrease, just type a value for the constant crease weight and press enter. The command line option is not needed directly. For a hard crease, right click the icon and the Crease command will be used instead. Although the same functionality is available in the SubDCrease options, we added the right click to speed the process of adding hard creases.