Dendro is a wonderful tool. I don’t think this has been implemented. As Dendro is a part of OpenVdb I think isosurfacing could be implemented.
At the moment you must use isosurfacing. Millipede is good. Perhaps Jellyfish Dodo Kampecaris … and
With Millipede all the work happens upstream in the evaluate component because it forces you to give it the value of the field at every grid point as an input. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid.
Here for the same function and resolution Millipede takes over 150x as long as the script posted above.
Isosurfacer_Millipede_comparison.gh (17.7 KB)
There is not great difficulties implementing it. The difficulty is to have an optimized one. You didn’t search a lot on internet, classical reference is
private void RunScript(List<double> values, Box box, int nx, int ny, int nz, double iso, ref object M, ref object P)
List<Point3d> boxPoints = new List<Point3d>();
double dx = (box.X.Max - box.X.Min) / (nx - 1);
double dy = (box.Y.Max - box.Y.Min) / (ny - 1);
double dz …
We’ve just released our Kampecaris plugin for Gh2. it’s available for download on GitHub . We started its development back in July 2023 at the DigitalFuture Persian Workshop . As of now, Kampecaris is an ongoing project, primarily focused on exploring voxel-based 3D modeling.
We got a lot of ideas from really cool plugins like Chromodoris , Millipede , Monolith , and Dendro . However, voxel-based modeling can benefit greatly from the use of fields. Gh1 did well with fields, but Gh2 has greatly i…
And for the noise you can use many tools like 4dnoise Tundra or Nautilus